Friday, May 13, 2011

Authenticity is Power

“Authenticity Is Power; Plagiarism limits people from finding their true potential”

One thing that Human Beings were able to master is imitation.  You see a lot of imitations of what God actually created.  Comedians imitating our politician’s voices, make plastic flowers look so real. People fake happiness/joy by taking drugs that make them euphoric. People are satisfied with a piece of what something could actually be. Lauryn Hill puts it in this way “Fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need”.  So many people would not mind you telling them a lie, just so that they can feed their thirst for something that can be better than what they can really experience.  I read something where someone was experienced inexpressible joy and he said: “I did not know that God believed in parties, but now I know that he can throws he biggest party in the world” this suggests that he was satisfied with the little parties he enjoyed in the world and never thought that there can be anything better than that.  God is willing to be real with us, he wants us to open up and be ready to receive him in all his fullness. 

People go for fake because they are not willing to pay for the original.  When one buys a fake pair of branded shoes; for arguments sake, they buy it at a cheaper price knowing its original price.  What they are suggesting is that; the shoes are nice, but not worth the money they are asking for it.  Now, let us shift this to a Christian context; Jesus said that if you want to follow him, you must pay the price of following him and taking up your cross.  When a Christian fakes this, they are suggesting that a holy life is good, but they are not willing to pay the price of taking up their cross to follow Jesus.  It is almost like saying: “thanks, but no thanks”

I recently found out how diamonds and pearls are formed.  This blew me away because for every one of them, there was a way human beings had created the cultured pearls and diamonds through their own ways.  Because there is a high demand for these things, people make them in their own ways to speed up the process for their own benefit.

Diamonds are known for being the most durable gemstones and the hardest material naturally available on the earth.  This tells me that there is power in being under pressure and enduring hardships, you will be like the diamonds.  The most beautiful gemstones on earth go through so much pressure.  If you wonder how hideous things like oysters can create such beautiful pearls, the answer is simple: God makes all things work together for the good of them who loves him and are called according to his purpose. 
God does not delight in pretence himself; he wants real and authentic relationships with his children (Romans 12:9, 10)

When the Philistines had captured the ark of God from Ebenezer, the bible says they took the ark of God and put it in the house of Dagon (their god) and set it up beside Dagon.  When they woke up in the morning the next day; Dagon had fallen face down before the ark of God (Read 1Sam 5:1-3).  Now this is not only a story that demonstrates God’s power, but I would like to believe it is a story of God saying “I am the only true and living God”.  All our counterfeits have limitations; Dagon cannot talk, fake flowers cannot grow, fake branded products are of the quality of the original and in the same way; we cannot be Christians cannot be without Christ. We will be fakes if we are to live without Christ.

The other reason why people never get to know the real Jesus is because they want to know him in an objective sense, but like St. Augustine once said “God can only be encountered in the now”.  The bible says; ”taste and see for yourself that the Lord is good …”(Psalm 34:8) this means a head knowledge of him being good is not enough to know the real Jesus, when you have encountered him is it totally different because now you can attest it and not only tell of what you believe. 

This is what I believe: “A distortion of reality dominates the minds of them that have not encountered God” 

Sello "Scalo" Mmane, God Bless you all.