Sunday, March 20, 2011

Knowledge Is Power!!!

Knowledge is power
Without question, there is power in knowledge and certainty.  We all search for certainty in our lives, nobody enjoys living with doubt.  I have this wristband that I wear; it quotes Hebrews 11:1 in this way: “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”.  Now this sounds crazy to those who do not know Christ because he Himself is “the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15).  “Everything is possible to those who believe” is well quoted not only by Christians; but it has been heard in popular secular songs in the past, although the wording would slightly be different to the actual words in the Bible.   Are these words that we just say to encourage ourselves when we are facing predicaments and inevitable dilemmas in our lives or do we really mean these words?  I ask this because it is easy to speak of faith but never practice it.  I have observed little things in human beings that have given me the confidence that there is power in the knowledge of the magnitude of anything that will be used to fight battles or in practical life context; the challenges of life.  I found this true because it ultimately affects one’s behavior and approach to life’s situations.  Humanly speaking, David was not supposed to beat Goliath.  To some people it is insane to believe that that could be true.  Goliath blasphemed the Israelites’ God because he was bigger and had more strength physically.  I bet you that if he was David’s size, he would never even try to speak in such rude manner.

  Where I grew up people would do and say whatever they like to anybody, knowing that they have big brothers who would back them up when they get beaten.  People who knew their brothers would never even try to beat them even when they wanted to because of the knowledge that the big brother would avenge and it would not be a pleasant thing.  Those who did not know the older brothers would beat them up and later regret after getting a beating from the older brother; if they had they known the older brother, I assure you that they would never beat them up unless they have stronger backup.  Now I am not saying that we should tempt the devil and ask God to help us because he is stronger, lol.  The point that I am trying to bring is that human beings have faith or belief in something of higher, bigger, stronger power.  Imagine if we had the same power that God had, we wouldn’t need him in our lives, but because we know that he is of higher power and absolutely true, we trust him with our lives.  Another example from my personal experience is one of school exams.  After writing a paper, I would check which questions I definitely answered correctly and see if I passed or failed the exams according to the minimum requirements.  After I have done this, in my mind I would then be relieved and never worry about failing the exam paper.  I would then have the power/confidence to loudly say:  “I have passed that paper” even when I have not received my results.  I wouldn’t say a thing about the paper if I knew that my definite marks didn’t make the minimum requirements.  My power/confidence/assurance came from the KNOWLEDGE that I got the minimum marks required, even before the results are released.  David was so sure of the power in God that he stood up to a man of great strength and military skill and experience only because he knew that the God who delivered him from the mouth of the lion and bear would do the same to the blasphemous giant.   
In one of my favorite movies: The book of Eli, Denzel Washington goes on a journey to save the Bible and in the process comes against opposition which puts his life in danger.  He then meets this woman who goes with him and asks a lot of questions because she really does not understand what is so important about this book.  He then shares something very interesting which the woman who asked him the question, seemingly ridicules. He says: “One day I heard a voice, its hard explain but it was like it was coming from inside of me. But I could hear it as clear as I can hear you speaking to me now.” The lady them replied in a very sarcastic tone: “you did all this because a voice in your head told you to do so?” he then replies: “I know what I heard, I know what I hear and know that I am not crazy and I know that I wouldn’t have made it without help.  Now to this woman, it didn’t make sense why he would risk his life just to protect a book.  He knew that it was not craziness and that he would get all the resources he needs to achieve his goal and that includes the protection.  His knowledge affected how he behaved; he was never intimidated or scared of his adversaries because he knew he wouldn’t die, the one who sent him promised to protect him.  His knowledge gave him power to come against anybody.  We get our confidence from God and nobody else. 
Assurance, security, certainty, confidence, positivism, firmness; these are all things that we need.  This is something that lacks in human beings so much that we cannot be trusted; hence we have to sign oaths and be legally bound to do what we promised.  This is never the case with God; he will definitely deliver all that he has promised.  "So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us."  Hebrews (6:17-18)
The bible says that God made an oath to convince us human beings of his promise, he would never lie or deceive us, but for our sakes he made an oath so that we may believe.  He did not make an oath because he is scared that he might not do what he promised, but he did it for us to be convinced/assured of his promise.  I reckon that is why God requires no doubt in him because he has given us everything that we human beings need to believe; an oath.  I have heard people say : “please promise me that you wont hurt me” just so that they may satisfy their deep insecurities.  Jesus does not want us to be insecure in him, so he gives us every reason to believe that he will deliver his promises.

The story of the cross is true; I believe, although not scientifically proven; I live with this certitude that He reigns and is alive.

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