Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sea of Forgetfulness

I recently read a very interesting story that just gave true insight to something that I had been thinking about.  Allow me to share it with u:

A certain man of God had been gifted with the revelatory insight into people’s lives.  During an evening service, he ministered to a Presbyterian pastor and his wife.  By the gift of the spirit, he revealed the couple’s past, uncovered the present situation and then disclosed to them what was to come.  This work of God greatly impressed the couple, and as the prophecies were fulfilled, one month later the Presbyterian brought two other pastors, each with their wives, to another service for personal ministry. 

The word of knowledge was exceptionally sure that night, and the second and his wife marvelled at the accuracy and truth in the prophetic word.  The third couple stepped forward for ministry and again the word of knowledge was present.  The prophet spoke to the husband, revealing his past, present and insight into the future.  Then the man of God turned to the third minister’s wife. As he began to speak of her past, suddenly he stopped.  “There was a very serious sin in your past” the woman, with her worst feat seemingly upon her, turned pale and closed her eyes.  The congregation hushed and moved to the edge of their seats. 

The prophet continued, “And I have asked the Lord, ‘what was this sin that she committed?’ and the Lord answered, “I do not remember!”

(Isaiah 43:25)I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”  There, you heard it from the Master Himself and not man.  So the next time you feel ashamed and guilty of your sins, remember that the final judge has cast your sins in the sea of forgetfulness.  He has removed it “as far as the east is from the west” from u. 

May you live with the conviction that you are forgiven and that “there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ”.

A perfect illustration from Jesus demonstrating this: John 8:1-11.