Thursday, August 6, 2015

Active Workers

 “Opportunity is missed by most people because it s dressed in overalls and looks like work” Thomas Edison

I recently found out that the microwave was an accidental invention.  Mr. Percy Spencer, a radar tube design expert; noticed that the candy bar in his pocket had melted while he was working on building magnetrons standing in front of an active radar set.  Although he was not the first person to notice this with radars, he became the first to investigate it.  He and some of his colleagues then intentionally heated popcorn kernels and had the first microwaved popcorn. The first commercially microwave was about 1.8 meters tall and cost about $5000.  The microwave as we know it today is almost a necessity, most homes have one.  As for Mr. Spencer, he didn’t just wake up one morning and decide I want to make an electrical appliance that will heat food; but he stumbled upon it while busy with something else. 

It is important to note that Mr. Spencer was WORKING when he stumbled upon this groundbreaking invention.  He was actively involved in something that led to his invention.  Beyond being actively involved in work of sorts, he saw an opportunity and grabbed it with both hands. It is said that he wasn’t the first person to notice that active radar sets had a melting or hearing effect on foods.  I reckon we can learn a few things from Mr. Spencer and his inadvertent invention. When preparation and opportunity collide, we see an explosion that sets one on a path to success. Opportunities are out there waiting to be seized, but often we aren’t prepared for it. 

When Jesus called the twelve men who later change history, as we know it, he didn’t call “uzo’ithola kanajni uhlel’ekoneni” kinda’ guys.  He calls young men who were busy with something already.  Most of them were fishermen and were learning the family trade. These were not guys sitting by the corner asking everybody for R5 as they passed by or some were waiting on the government to give them a living.  I am by no means saying that the Lord does not help people who are formally employed or that opportunity favours those who are formally employed. It favours those who are actively involved in something.  This could be volunteer work, being in the school’s leadership team, being a part of a musical group, playing sports, etc.  These could be places where you get to be set on a path to success.  I have had opportunities to travel at no expense to places where I learned some important lessons because I was actively involved in doing something that was for social change.  I wouldn’t have had those opportunities if I wasn’t involved in projects and organizations that were for social change and if whatever company formally employed me, the opportunities would certainly be of a different nature. I have learned that being actively involved in something that interests you is a good seedbed for growth and multiple opportunities.  You might not travel as I have, but the opportunities will edify your life in unimaginable ways. 

This is what Philemon says in verse 6 of the only chapter in his little book; “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ” (NIV).  So there are good things that are in Christ that we ought to have a full understanding of, and these can be unlocked by being active sharers of our faith in Jesus. The love that Christ so illustriously displayed by dying on the cross demands a bigger response than just “thanks”. It is a beautiful story that ought to be shared.

“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” Mark Twain

Lets get to work friends ... Opportunities Await your arrival!!!

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