Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Shovel and Sword kinda' Dude

For most of us, life is much more interesting and worth living when there is forward movement.  People’s speech attests to this when we hear them say things such as; “I feel like my life is stuck”.  So we all love progress and want to experience growth of sort in the different areas of our lives. Often when we think of growth and the things that we want to achieve, we seldom think of the challenges that will come with it.  We end up with an idealistic idea of where we would like to see ourselves in a certain time frame.  For some people, even when the dream is clear and they know what they want to achieve, discouragement won’t let them start.  They feel inadequate and don’t even attempt to achieve their dreams because the voice that says, “You’re not good enough” is louder than the one that says, “You can do it”. If we make it past the first stage and believe that we can, we thus start projects with optimism until challenges rudely interrupt our course and discourage us. It is always harder at the beginning and I suspect that the enemy of progress knows that once you start, the chances of stopping you are slimmer. 

There’s a story in the bible that perfectly illustrates how we ought to approach life if we are to keep moving.  A man by the name of Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem following their return from exile.  The lack of fortified walls meant that they were left defenseless against enemies.  As he inspects the walls, Sanballat and his buddies (enemies) were very displeased and set out to discourage from starting (chapter 2 v 10, 19).  Nehemiah jumps over the first hurdle with powerful words that show great faith in God (2 v20).  He then sets the plan in motion and the people work to rebuild the wall and make good progress.  In chapter 4, we see Sanballat and buddies coming much stronger in opposition.  Having failed to stop them by mocking them with words, they plot to fight against Jerusalem and cause confusion in it.  As a response to this, Nehemiah tells that they “prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night”.  To keep good progress, Nehemiah tells us “16 So it was, from that time on, that half of my servants worked at construction, while the other half held the spears, the shields, the bows, and wore armor; and the leaders were behind all the house of Judah. 17 Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.”  

I came across this text about 4 years ago and it taught me a pivotal lesson that I think all of us should have to succeed.  When God gives us a dream, it is not void of struggles and opposition.  This is a lesson we get from many biblical characters; all of them victoriously get to the other side and attest that it was a bumpy ride.  Nehemiah tells us that his workers had a SHOVEL in one hand to BUILD and a SWORD in the other to FIGHT off the enemy.  Through the years I have learned that this kind of readiness for opportunity/progress and opposition/discouragement was necessary for me to move forward.  The workers not only had a tool for forward movement, they had a tool to prevent them from regressing.  Most of us only have shovels in our hands, but we are left totally vulnerable to attack from the enemy that often comes unexpectedly.  I imagine that it must have been really hard, but necessary. We must guard against discouragement at all costs. I am by no means suggesting that you go get yourself a sword and wield it as you walk the streets. Your weapon is the word of God. The same weapon that Jesus used when the enemy tried to deceive him into worshiping him. So even when it seems that things are not working out, you can draw your sword that says, “ when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him”. When you feel attacked in every area of your life you know that “No weapon that is formed (specifically designed) for you shall prosper”. 

“We are more than conquerors through him who loved us” Romans 8:37

May you be a shovel and sword kinda’ WoMan!!

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